Kamis, 25 September 2014


Fourth Semester of English Department
Summary of The Fifth Meeting on April 17, 2014

1.      Definition of speaking
Speaking is an action of expressing thoughts and feelings in spoken language. The action itself is about sending messages from a speaker to the listener that uses verbal language.
2.      Internal poblem
There are several problems that come from body of the students their self. They are :
o   Native language
If we are familiar with the sound system of learner’s native language, we will be better able to diagnose student dificulties.
o   Age
Teaching language is really related with the age of students. In every age there is some uniqueness which can support the teaching processes, and it can be hard obstacle in teaching.
Generally speaking children under the age of puberty stand an excellent chance of sounding like a native. They are extremely sensitive, especially to peers. Moreover, their egoism is still being shaped, therefore the slights of communication can be negatively interpreted.
Adults have a wider range of life experiences to draw on, both as individual and as learners. Adults come with a lot of previous leraning experiences which may hamper their progress. Adults also have acquired a self confidence not found in children.
o   Exposure
Some students may be more interest by quality and intesity of exposure that the teacher gives in speaking class. Some of the students prefer to get long time of exposure in reaching the speaking class goal. The teacher should know the condition of their students to give suitable exposure
o   Innate phonetic ability
Sometime speaking skill often placed as a talent from an individual. The perspective is not wrong, because many researches especially in education have proven that human has specific talent or inelegance. Speaking skill includes verbal intelligence. So, the teacher should understand the fact by realizing that students have their own chance to be success in speaking.
o   Identity and language ego
Student’s attitude is very important in speaking class. Good attitude is a power that helps the students to accept speaking material. It will help the students to master speaking skill better.
o   Motivation and concern for good speaking
The teacher does not have other choice expect try to wake student’s motivation. The problem is motivation is a very complex thing. Motivation is term used to describe what energize a person and what directs his activity, energy and direction are the center of motivation.
3.      External problem
The effectiveness of teaching speaking does not only come from internal aspects of the students but also influenced by external factors. The completeness understanding of problem in teaching speaking should be known by the teacher. Speaking is a skill that very needs many exercises. In EFL, the time to do exercises is limited in the classroom. When the students out from the class they will use their mother language. That is why the teacher should choose the most suitable method in teaching speaking.

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