Kamis, 25 September 2014


Fourth Semester of English Department
Summary of The Tenth Meeting on June 12, 2014

o   Reading is a process of recognition, interpretation, and perception of written or printed materials. Reading proficiency plays a great role in understanding a written statement accurately and effectively.
o   Research tends to indicate that student’s reading comprehension can be improved by focusing on teaching students skills in the following areas:
1.      Vocabulary
2.      Surveying, scanning, skimming
3.      Guessing and predicting from context
o   There are five ways to teach reading:
1.      Define the terms “problem” and “solution”
Before reading, give your students an example of a problem that happened in class. For example, discuss problem and solution when teaching about pollution, war, and bullying.
2.      During the read aloud
During a read aloud, stop reading where the problem happens in the story. Ask the students to brainstorm what the problem  is. When the problem has been identified, practice the same for solution.
3.      During independent reading
Give students post-its to stick to the page or pages where the problem takes place and again when it is resolved.
4.      Act it out
Choose a story to role play with props in the classroom.
5.      Application (create a classroom project or essay)
o   The problems in teaching reading:
1)      Students with reading problems in basic way
2)      Decoding
3)      Comprehension and retention
o   How to improve reading skills?
1)      Find something to  read
2)      Sound out each letter as best you can and you will notice they form some sort of word
3)      Find a place where you can concentrate
4)      Begin your reading by looking at the pictures, or listening to the music to get a feel for what you are going to be reading about
5)      Start with tittles, names, or other larger print items that you may know or ever thought about
6)      Read as much as you are able
7)      Reread the materials
8)      Go to the library and pick up lots of books
9)      Read the page carefully
10)  Use context to find out a word’s meaning
o   The effective reading:
1)      Do not pointed one of word
2)      Do not make regretion if you have found any difficult words
3)      Read the first sentence in each paragraph
4)      Do not vocalize
5)      Let it flow

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