Kamis, 25 September 2014


Fourth Semester of English Department
Summary of The Fourth Meeting on April 10, 2014

o   The primary goal is to pass entrance exams to enter good high schools and universities.
Based on the state above, the purpose of TEFL in Indonesia is not good enough. It concern to answer some questions as good as possible only. There are no larger goal of TEFL in Indonesia. That is why the position of English is as a foreign language only. When the students want to enter good high schools or universities, they have their self work hard to know everything in English. In the long run, when they enter to their favorite school successfully, means that the functions of TEFL is working well.
o   The teaching is directed at making students able to analyze and comprehend English, not at preparing them to communicate in English.
We all know that the teaching itself often inspires the students in using English to communicate each other. Intrinsically, it would be better if the teacher can motivate their students to use English everytime and everywhere. When the teachers make it happen, English would be more usual than before.

How to be a good teachers?
o   Being a competent teacher is not easy. It demands time, devotion, and opportunities.
The terms to be a good teacher like stated above are not easy, but they are not difficult as terrible as we have imagine. We need to practice not for a short time and be patient.
o   Willing to take on the responsibility for teaching EFL to students in class.
As a teacher, we should have a great responsibilty to make our students able to analyze and comprehend English, and prepare them to communicate in English. We should be a motivator to build up their enthusiasm in learning English.

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