Kamis, 25 September 2014

English as a Foreign Language

Fourth Semester of English Departement
Summary of The Second Meeting on March 27, 2014

English as a Foreign Language

English as a Foreign Language means that English as studied by people who live in places where English is not the first language of the people who live in the country. Our government stated that English is a foreign language that we have learned from the Elementary school until the University.
In other words, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is a status of a new language when it is learned only in the formal classroom context and not used as a means of daily communication in the society. It is mean that we learn, we practice, we use, and we try the English itself in formal classroom only. We do not use English in our daily communication. That is why English in Indonesia only as a foreign language.
Actually, we must know the difference between English as a First Language (L1), as a second language (L2), and English as a foreign language. English as a First Language (L1) is a language which is used by the people who live in places whre English is the main language in their comminucation. English as a second language (L2) which is used by the people for example Indonesian people who stay in another country like UK. Although Bahasa Indonesia as their mother tongue, they must use English in daily communication with another person around them. Moreover, English as a second language (L2) is used by the people whose mother tongue not English, but they stay in an area that use English as a main language for communicating each other. There are some of objectives of TEFL it self. They are:
1.      TEFL is a teacher development and methodology guide.
2.      TEFL provides you to work on the dvelopment of your teaching beliefs and classroom practices.
3.      In the long run, by learning TEFL teachers can make themselves competent in teaching.

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