Kamis, 25 September 2014


Fourth Semester of English Department
Summary of The Ninth Meeting on June 5, 2014

o   Discovery learning is a technique of inquiry based instruction and is considered a constructivist based approach to education. The teacher’s domination has been reduced and the student’s role has been bigger.
o   Discovery learning is supported by the work of learning theorist and psychologists (Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, and Seymour Papert). The origin of discovery learning was in 1960.
o   Jerome Bruner argues “practise in discovering for oneself teacher one to acquire information in a way that makes that information more readyviable in problem solving”. It is mean that students get the informations based the practise and the environment, the role of teacher is as facilitator.
o   The philosophy of discovery learning is “learning by doing”. Discovery learning can occur whenever the student is not provided with an exact answer but rather materials in order to find the answer themselves. In this technique, there is a problem with a purpose, the students can get or find the problem solving by themselves.
o   The cycle of discovery learning
o   The criticsm of discovery learning
The students are more likely to remember concepts on their own if they discover them.

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