Selasa, 09 Desember 2014


Four Formal Education Levels in Indonesia
Education is a process of self maturing by training and teaching. Good education influences quality of citizen or people perspective, attitude, and life style. Nowadays, most people realize how important the education is. In Indonesia, both rich and poor family have a great will to give their children experiences of studying at school as good as possible. As we all know Indonesia has four formal education levels which have been being applied for many years: Basic, Elementary School, High School, or University.
The first level of formal education in Indonesia is Basic. They are, TK (Taman Kanak-Kanak), RA (Raudatul Atfal), and PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). These schools named basic because all of subjects given are simplest one. Like singing a song, playing games, drawing pictures, studying how to pronounce, spell, and write some letters of alphabet, and knowing cardinal numbers. Almost activities in this level are about introducing basic things of knowledge which is created and applied interestingly. The students are expected to get ready in accepting following subjects in Elementary School. They spend their time for about two years for this level.
Second level of formal education in Indonesia, Elementary School, has an important function in developing students’ basic ability. For example: SD (Sekolah Dasar), SDI (Sekolah Dasar Islam), SDLB (Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa), and MI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah). The subjects given in this level are higher than basic level. This level is divided into six grades which have a little bit difference. Each grade has own function. Like the first grade usually learn about reading, counting, multiplying, dividing, etc. All of subjects given for next grade until the last grade always increase to be more complex. Like students in third to last grade have a time to learn Introducing to Science, English, Social Science, Mathematic, and many more. The most important thing of this level is to enrich students’ ability, so that they can follow the next level in High School perfectly. The students usually spend their time for about six years in Elementary School.
The next level is High School. Actually this level is divided into two groups. They are Junior High School and Senior High School. SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama), SMPI (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam), SMPLB (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Luar Biasa), and MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) are categorized as Junior High School. In this part, all of subjects given have higher difficulties than Elementary School and as development of elementary subjects. From Junior High School, the students can continue their study in Senior High School, such as SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas), SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan), SMALB (Sekolah Menengah Atas Luar Biasa), and MA (Madrasah Aliyah). The students are expected to have wider insight by attending these levels. They can combine their knowledge which is received in High School and University later. They also spend their time for three years in Junior High School, and three years in Senior High School.
Studying in University or College is the last and highest level of formal education in Indonesia. This level is also divided into some grades such as D1 (Diploma Satu), D2 (Diploma Dua), D3 (Diploma Tiga), D4 (Diploma Empat), S1 (Strata Satu), S2 (Strata Dua), and S3 (Strata Tiga). This level is more complex than others. Studying in University or College is really different then studying in High School. The most obvious difference between the University education and the other levels of education is the students have to choose their own major to be learned comprehensively. Of course, their choice depends on what they want in their desire. But, they should not forget that it will decide their future. In University, the students are usually more active to search knowledge from many sources. Teacher is not the only one source who can give information any more. It means that teacher acts as a facilitator. Some tasks given are more complicated, like compose an academic paper. That is why studying in University or College needs great passion and patience to get success in it. After graduating from University, the students are expected to get and create a good job for themselves and people around them. In the long run, they can apply what they have already learned in their social life later. They usually spend their time for about seven years from D1 (Diploma Satu) until S3 (Strata Tiga).
Four formal education levels in Indonesia have their own characteristics, such as goal, subjects or material, and many more. Each level is different to each other and need a special way during studying in it. Four levels explained above must be passed by the students of Indonesia as one continuing program. For it, every level needs the students’ effort and belief to get an amazing success.

October 31, 2014

English Department / Semester V
16 / 1235511179

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