Jumat, 22 Mei 2015



1.1  Background of The Study
Nowadays, learning and mastering English are very necessary for every people especially the students. Not only to pass the examinaton, but also to face the challenge of globalization. If we talk about learning English, we will face some skills, receptive skill and productive skill. Listening and reading are categorized as receptive skill. While writing and speaking are productive skill.

Writing can be the most difficult aspect in learning English. Indonesian students who learn English as a foreign language usually find difficulties in writing English. The problem of writing itself is also faced by the taechers. The teachers find difficulties in giving the approprite items and scoring the result of the students’ answer sheet.

A guided or controlled composition have been used in the past as tests of communicative ability, an using writing as the medium. The problem is it is difficult to score because of the subjectivity of the scorer.

Overcoming this problem can be done by giving the fairly objective scoring methods for these types of tests. Sentence cues, contextualized partial translation, and modification of the cloze test (gap filling itmes) are contextulized writing suggested to allow for the testing of vocabulary and grammar on hourly exams and quizzes.

1.2 Statements of The Problem
1.      What is contextualized writing?
2.      What is controlled compositions?
3.      What is sentence cues?
4.      What is contextualized partial translation?
5.      What is modification of the cloze test?

1.3 Objectives of The Study
1.      To identify the contextualized writing.
2.      To determine controlled compositions.
3.      To know the sentence cues.
4.      To find the clarity of contextualized partial translation.
5.      To Identify the modification of the cloze test.

1.4 Significances of The Study
1.      The students in general can use this paper as a literature which explain contextualized writing and mixed skills formats.
2.      The teachers can apply the suggestion items in giving the apprpriate test, exams, and quizzes.
3.      Public by reading this paper can understand what problems that is usually founded by Indonesian teachers and students in writing. So that they will give idea or new way to overcome that problem.
4.      The further researcher can use this paper as an additional literature to enrich their discussion.


2.1  Contextualized Writing
Writing has been with us for several thousand years, and nowadays is more important than ever. Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form. Writing systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech, and may also have symbols for such things as punctuation and numerals. According to Klein (1985), writing is the ability to put pen and paper to express ideas through symbols. This way,representations on the paper will have meaning and content that could becommunicated to other people by the writer.

Writing is a complex combination of skills which is best taught by breaking down the process. The writing process involves a series of steps to follow in producing a finished piece of writing. Educators have found that by focusing on the process of writing, almost everyone learns to write successfully. By breaking down writing step-by-step, the mystery is removed and writer’s block is reduced. Most importantly, students discover the benefits of constructive feedback on their writing, and they progressively master, and even enjoy writing.

According Cambridge Advance Dictioniory, contextualized means formal or  specialized to consider something in its  context. Contextualized writing means that write something using formal or specialized rule depends on the context.

2.2  Controlled (Guided) Compositions
Since global writing tasks are not as difficult to contextualized as the more discrete point item formats, they will be treated first in this paper. Some very fine ideas for testing global skills via writing have been described in the sources citied previously under listening and reading items.

Controlled or guided compositions. where students respond to question prods, pictorial or verbal cues, or other similar guidelines, have been used in the past as tests of communicative ability, using writing as the test medium. That is, the items that follow are not necessarily tests of writing in terms of expository writing as medium for testing such aspects of the developing language as grammar and vocabulary. Try to analyze these examples below:
Sample 1
You are writing a letter to your close friend in U.S. This person wants to know one of the ritual ceremony of salt society namely Nyadar in your home town. He wants you to describe the ceremony as clear as possible. Be sure to use English in your letter. Your letter might be like this following letter:
29 Menara Tanjung Street
Sumenep 69467
March 19, 2015
Dear Smith,
How we miss you! And how we envy yo too! You looks so interested in one of ritual ceremony in home town, right? Here we go......
History of Nyadar is related to Syekh Anggasuto. He is a moslem scholar, story goes, who saved Bali Kingdom troops when they got defeated in a battle by Sumenep Kingdom soldiers. Then he asked for the king of Sumenep to forgive and let them living in Pinggir Papas village under his responsibility and taught them how to produce salt. Nyadar is derived from the words “to do Nadar (intention that someone should do if what he/she dreams come true)”. The ceremony of Nyadar is basically done by this Pinggir Papas village people to express the gratitude to God on their success in producing salt. Besides, It is celebrated to memorize and respect their anchestor. It is held three times, between July to September, each years.

The first Nyadar is usually celebrated on July when the society of Pinggir Papas village start processing of salt production in Kebun Dadap Barat village, Saronggi district. Second Nyadar is held on Augusts, after “harvesting” of salt in the same location as the first Nyadar. Third Nyadar is called Nyadar Bengko (house) held on Septembers. People of Pinggir Papas village celebrate this ceremony when they have already finished all process of production and packing of their salt production. It is not like the one in first and second, Nyadar Bengko is done at their own village, Pinggir Papas. This rite is centred in a house that is the ex residence of Syekh Anggasuto, their anchestor.

How’s that? It looks so interesting. But you should come to my beloved town ang grab the sensation of this ritual ceremony. I am waiting for your letters. Write soon.
                                                                                                                Your friend,
Mery Ariansyah

The global writing task in the example given above will elicit certain features of the language that are related to specified goals: date, month, time, description, and actions in the past will be elicited. These items will still be somewhat difficult to score, however. As Bartz (1976) points out, “test of communicative competence involving writing are somewhat more difficult to score an involve a great deal more subjectivity on the part of the scorer”.

To overcome this problem, Bartz and others have presented some fairly objective scoring methods for these type tests. One possibility is to assign a global score to a written language sample on the basis of weighted subratings: factors such as comprehensibility, ease of expression, cohesion and coherence, linguistics accuracy, breadth and appropriateness of vocabulary, and the like coulde be judged and rated globally and transformed into numerical scores.

Although one can limit the writing task somewhat inglobal composition tests, it is still difficult to elicit all the discrete items one might be interested in for achivement testing purposes. In order to supplement these general achievement tests, which might be administrated periodically during the courseof a semester or school year, the following contextualized writing and mixed skills formats are suggested to allow for the testing of vocabulary and grammar on hourly exams and quizzes.

2.3  Sentence Cues
Items of this type consist of “telegraphic” or “slash” sentences: sentence elements are provided as the stimulus and the student must combine them into complete and meaningful sentences, adding any necessary function words and making any necessary morphological changes. To contextualize this type of format, each individual stimulus should be connected to the others in the subsection of the test, either in a logical sequence or in some themetic sense.
Sample 1
You are a student who have a task to report  news from television. You founded some informations of Suramadu Bridge. The notes you made during watching the news are given below. Write out the news in complete sentences, using the past time whenever appropriate.
Suramadu Bridge (Surabaya-Madura Bridge) constructed Surabaya and Bangkalan. Wide is 30 m. High is 146 m. Opened June 10, 2009. Total length 5.4 km, the longest bridge in Indonesia. Carries motor vehicles. The fares -- 30000 (IDR) four wheeled vehicles and 3000 (IDR) for two wheels.

The complete news can be like this following sample.
The Suramadu Bridge or Surabaya-Madura Bridge is constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura. The bridge is 30 meters wide and 146 meters high. It was opened on June 10, 2009. The total length of the bridge is 5.4 km which makes the longest bridge in Indonesia. It carries motor vehicles. The fares have been initially set at 30000 (IDR)Mfor four-wheeled vehicles and 3000 (IDR) for two-wheelers.

Sample 2
You are a student who have a task of describing someone. Your teacher explained Andre Taulani very fast before the class. The notes you made during listening your teacher’s exolanation are given below. You should write out the complete informations as good as you can.
Andre Taulani – famous actor. Commedian in OVJ. singer in the past. has beautiful and powerful voice. 43 years old. Has black short hair, oval face, dark brown eyes. 


The complete description can be like this following sample.
Andre Taulani is a famous actor in Indonesia. He was a comedian in OVJ (Opera Van Java). He was also a talented singer with beautiful and powerful voice. He is 43 years old. He has a black short hair. He is an oval face and dark brown eyes.

2.4  Contextualized Partial Translation
Valette (1977) presents this item type in her text on testualing, but she illustrates it with single-sentence frames. A contextualized, connected version of several paragraphs is length can be created quite easily if all the sentences follow one another logically in a conversation or narrative. Two examples of partial translation are given below. The second of the two formats, which resembles a cloze-type task, seems to be less disruptive of the natural flow of the discourse.

Sample 1
Complete the conversation in English, using the English sentence equivalents as your guide.
Tina        :               Hi Joe, ..................... the weather .............................?
                                (Hai Joe, bagaimana cuaca diasana hari ini?)
Joe         :               It’s ................ It ................. and the schools ......................
                                (Cuacanya sangat dingin. Salju turun sepanjang hari dan sekolah
                                dipulangkan lebih awal.)
Tina        :               What’s ...........................?
                                (Suhunya berapa?)
Joe         :               It’s 30 .................now. It was ...................... this morning.
                                (Sekarang suhunya 30 derajat.
Suhunya bahkan lebih dingin pagi ini.)
Tina        :               Have you ....... what the weather ........................... tomorrow?
                                (Sudahkah kamu mendengar cuaca akan seperti apa besok?)
Joe         :               I was watching the news ....................... They said it’s ....................
                                going to snow tomorrow.
                                (Saya telah menonton berita sedikit lebih awal. Mereka
menyebutkan mungkin akan turun salju besok.)
Tina        :               I ......... don’t like ...................
                                (Saya benar-benar tidak suka musim dingin.)
Joe         :               Me too. How’s the weather ....................?
                                (Saya juga demikian. Bagaimana cuaca di mana kamu berada?)
Tina        :               It’s not too bad, but it’s ............... too. It .............. this afternoon.
I heard it’s going to be .......................... tomorrow.
(Cuacanya tidak terlalu buruk, tapi juga cukup dingin. Sore ini hujan.
Saya dengar cuacanya akan sedikit lebih hangat besok.)

Sample 2
Michael were asking the direction of the nearest bank to Amy. Complete their conversation. The Indonesia conversation is next to the English conversation.
Michael : Excuse me! -------- you tell me
where ---------------------- is, please?

Amy        : Walk two blocks and --------  at the bookstore. The bank will be ------------- the post office.

Michael : Is it far from here?

Amy       : No, it’s --------------------- walk.

Michael : Well, thank you very much.

Amy       : You are welcome.
Michael : Permisi! Bisakah Anda  memberitahu saya di mana bank terdekat?
Amy     : Jalanlah dua blok dan beloklah ke kiri di toko buku. Banknya berada di seberang jalan, di sebelah kantor pos.
Michael : Apakah jauh dari sini?
Amy       : Tidak, itu hanya sepuluh menit berjalan kaki.
Michael : Yah, terimakasih banyak.
Amy       : Sama-sama.

Sample 3
Margot and Annick, her roommate, hate their apartment. One day they decide to look for other lodgings. Complete their conversation. The Indonesia conversation is next to the English conversation.
Margot : I don’t like our apartment. The kitchen is too small, and there is no garden. Besides, it is too expensive!

Annick       : Doesn’t your Aunt have an apartment for rent near the university

Margot : Ah yes! That’s true! I’m going to phone her.
Saya tidak suka apartemen kita. Dapurnya terlalu kecil, dan tidak ada kebun. Lagi pula, itu terlalu mahal.

Bukaknkah bibimu mempunyai sebuah apartemen untuk disewakan yang dekat dengan universitas.

Oh ya! Itu benar! Saya akan menelponnya.

One advantage of partial translation format is that the teachercan test a variety of discrete points of vocabulary and grammar efficiently in one single subsection of the test, and the items, though scored in a discrete-point fashion, are still embedded in naturalistic discourse. Because grammar and vocabulary must be recalled, the test items are also diagnostic. One disadvantage of the first of the two formats is the need to insert native language equivalents into the passage, which interrupts its natural flow.

2.5  Modifications of the Cloze Test : Gap-Filling Items
Shohamy (1982) defines cloze tests have ben the subject of much discussion and controversy recently; one problem associated with this type of test is the rather arbitrary nature of the deletions when an “every-nth-word” procedure is used, and the negative reaction of many students to exact-word scoring procedures or to the test in general. To adapt the cloze type format successfully to foreign language classroom tests, some alternative are suggested below.
1.      Non-arbitrary deletion procedures
Specific parts of speech are choosen to be deleted from a passage and may be presented in a list in alphabetical order before the passage, after it, or in a box beside the text itself. If verbs are deleted, students must choose the verb that fits the context semantically, conjugate it appopriately, and pay attention to tense. If adjectives are deleted, students must choose the adjective that fits the context semantically. If articles are deleted, students must choose the article that fits the context semantically. Students must make all morphological changes necessary for other parts of speech deleted as well (such as adjectives, articles, possesive pronouns).

Sample A
Ann and Marie are besti friend. They are talking about their plans which are going to be did tonight. Complete the conversation by choosing the appropriate verb from the box on the right. Each verb should be used only once per section. Be sure to make a sensible choice of the verb and to use form and tense that are most appropriate to the context.
Ann        : Marie, are you doing anything tonight?

Marie    : Yeah, I’m planning ------------- some movies and spend the night -------------------- them.

Ann        : Well, it sounds good. But, actually I’ve ----------- 2 tickets to watch a play tonight at 7 p.m. at city hall. I wonder to go with me.

Marie    : A play? Tonight? Are you sure? Isn’t it ------------to be on Thursday?

Ann        : No, it’s played on Friday, tonight! You must have got the wrong information. The ---------- is entitled The Fairies’ Cake. It’s -------------  from a fairytale.

Marie    : Well, it sounds really interesting, but you’re a bit too late. I’ve ------------- the movies.

Ann        : Oow, come on Marie. You can always watch them next time, while the play is only ----------- tonight! You’re not going to let me down, are you?

Marie    : But I have to return the  movies on time, unless I’ll be fined.

Ann        : Wait a minute, when did you rent the movie? Remember that if you rent more than 5 movies, you’ll
 --------------- a day extra.

Marie    : I rented them today, Friday 18th. So...ehm.. I have to return them on Sunday 20th.

Ann        : So?

Marie    : All right! I’ll accompany you tonight.

To rent








Sample B
Read carefully this following text. You should complete it by choosing the most appropriate words from the box. Each verb should be used only once per section. Be sure to make a sensible choice of the verb and to use form and tense that are most appropriate to the context.

50% of Snacks Sold in Schools Unhealty
The Food Hygiene Department ------------------ on Thursday that about 50 percent of snacks sold in schools were unhealthy. However, they admitted that no significant action had been taken against food producers.
Many of the snacks were -------------- to contain preservative materials commonly -----------in the textile industry. That might cause liver problem, alergic reaction, fever, and migraine headaches.
Last year, the Food Hygiene Department had ----- more than 1,500 food items which were ------ as parcels for Idul Fitri, Christmas, and New Year holidays. Many of these food items ------------ substances which were not ----------- in the labels.

Sample C
Fill in the description of Mery’s house below, using the appropriate preposition from the box on the right. Refer to the sketch to make sure you are using the correct preposition.

It is my beautiful house. It’s not too big but we our family really love it. We have yard ---------- our house. There are some rooms in my house. The first is garage which is located ----------- the corner of my house. -------the garage is my room. The room ----------- the back yard is my parents’ room. Our dining room is located -------my parent’s room and bathroom.  Another important part is our beloved kitchen in front of bathroom. ---------- it, the living room is located ---------- passing the main door.


            The map of Mery’s house

2.      Multiple-choice cues
A modified cloze passage is presented to students in which gaps in the discourse are accompained by multiple-choice options below the text, within the text, or beside the slots in the margin.

Sample 1
Choose the most correct answer.
1.      “The virus can make us ill. It can kill us, you know. But I’m not not afraid because I always wash my hands before eating and stay away from chicken. I won’t touch any chicken if they look sick or if they are dead,” said Natalie, one of student SMPN 1 Saronggi, a state junior high school in Sumenep, East Java.
The underlined word “they” refers to...
a.       the students
b.      Natalie’s friends
c.       Natalie’s teachers
d.      The virusses
e.       Any chicken

3.1 Summary
The coomunicative competence tests including writing are difficult to score and involve the great deal more subjectivity on the part of the scorer. Overcoming this problem can be done by giving the fairly objective scoring methods for these types of tests. One possibility is to assign a global score to a written language sample on the basis of weighted subratings: factors suchas comprehensibility, ease of expression, cohesion and coherence, linguistic accuracy, breadth and appropriateness of vocabulary.

It could be judged ad rated globally also tranformed into numerical scores. Sentence cues, contextualized partial translation, and modification of the cloze test (gap filling itmes) are scontextulized writing suggested to allow for the testing of vocabulary and grammar on hourly exams and quizzes.

3.2 Suggestion
Depending on the results, the writer  can make the following recommendations:
1.      The teachers should use the appropriate items in giving their students neither exams or quizzes. They also should be more objective in scoring the students tasks, exams, or quizzes.
2.      The students should read and understand each instruction both of their exams and quizzes given by the teacher. It should be done to putthe appropriate answer on their answer sheet.
The writeris fully aware that this paper is so far from being perfect, that is why any constructive criticis are welcome to improve the quality of this paper.


Hakuta, Kenji. 2000. Testing English Language Learner in U.S School. Washingotn, D.C: National Academy Press.

C. van Kraayenoord et al (2009), “Teaching writing to students with learning difficulties in inclusive English,”English Teaching: Practice and Critique 8:1-29

Kerstetter Bob, 2004, “What is Writing?”, (http://www.omniglot.com/writing/definition.htm)

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